Preperation time
10 m
Skills level

Serving size
1 sandwich
Country of origin

Preparation time: 10 m
Cooking time: 5 m
Servings: 1 sandwich


  • 2 slices of thick-cut sourdough bread (or your favorite bread)
  • 2 slices of Munster, Fontina, Harvati or Monterery Jack cheese (or whatever you like)
  • 3-4 slices of store-bought roasted turkey or 2 thick-cut freshly roasted turkey slices (holiday leftovers)
  • 2 tablespoons salted butter
  • 2 heaping tablespoons cranberry sauce (see my homemade Cranberry-Blackberry Sauce on my blog)
  • Soft herbed cheese, room temperature
  • Optional: 1/4 cup lettuce or spinach
Recipe Type:

It’s almost that time of year to transform your Thanksgiving or holiday leftovers into the most delicious, savory with a hint of sweet sandwich. This can be served cold or heated in a pan to allow the cheese to melt and get gooey. Feel free to use store-bought roasted turkey breast in lieu of freshly roasted turkey. The cheese choices I think work best are Munster, fontina, Havarti or monterery jack cheeses – or any cheese that will not overpower the flavor of the cranberry sauce. Cheddar works too!

Heat a small frying pan.

Spread 1 tablespoon of butter on one side of bread slices. Be thorough. Spread a little herbed cheese on the other sides of bread. It will be easier to spread if it has sat at room temperature.

Building the Sandwich.

On the herbed cheese side of bread, add one slice of cheese, then turkey slices, and another slice of cheese and sandwich bread together.

Place sandwich (butter side down) onto the pan and heat on medium until browned, then flip to the other side. Putting a lid on the frying pan allows the sandwich to cook a little faster. Once the bread is golden and cheese is melted it is done.

Note: Slightly warm thick-cut roast turkey in the microwave or on stovetop, before creating this delicious sandwich.

Next, open the sandwich and add the cranberry sauce on top of the turkey. Sandwich it back together and enjoy.

A leafy green like a bib lettuce is a nice touch here for a pop of color. If you prefer a green like spinach, add that to the sandwich after you add the turkey and continue to build your sandwich and heat. The spinach will taste better wilted. Greens are optional.

Cooked bacon would go well on this sandwich! And for a spicy kick, try horseradish!


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