Preperation time
15 m
Skills level

Serving size
yields 12 cookies
Country of origin

Preparation time: 15 m
Cooking time: 15+ m
Servings: yields 12 cookies


  • 1 1/2 cups rinsed and drained chick peas
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup sugar free maple syrup
  • 5 tablespoons all-purpose flour (or gluten free flour/ground whole oats)
  • a TINY drizzle good quality extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • a few sprinkles of each ground sea salt & Pink Himalayan sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • a handful semi- sweet mini chocolate chips (sorry I didn't measure just poured in and mixed!)
  • chopped dark chocolate - place on top of cookie
Recipe Type:

As you know, I use chick peas in everything: pizza crust, energy bites, salads, warm meals along side veggies – you name it! But, up until now, I have never tried them in a cookie! I notice especially vegan recipes and grain free recipes are using chick peas in their baked goods, so I thought I’d test some recipes. The one I tried had almond butter in it, and tasted so yummy!!!!!! However, my husband and son are allergic to nuts.  It’s VERY hard to make a cookie and say you can’t have any, as the smell emanates through out the house. I have found a great combo without using almond butter. It added a lot more calories and gives the cookie a more nutty flavor, which I don’t expect in a chocolate chip cookie.  These are ooey, gooey, and have an earthy vibe, but in no way taste like chick peas. I promise! Make these tonight, trust me!

You can experiment with ground oats versus white flour. I personally like all-purpose white flour in my baking and in this case you are only using 5 tablespoons. However, if you have a gluten intolerance or allergy, try to grind some whole oats and measure out 5 tablespoons of that. Alternatively, use a gluten-free flour. Now for the directions.

The oven should be set at 350 degrees. Also, have a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. I place 6 cookies on a tray with lots of space between them, and cook one tray at a time. Seems tedious, but totally worth it! You want to slightly under bake these. As soon as they brown a hint and are still somewhat soft, take them out. Also be extra vigilant with not to add more than a tiny drizzle of olive oil. Too much oil with make this already loose batter too runny, then you’ll need more flour which really ruins the cookie in terms of taste and texture.

Open a large can of chick peas, rinse and drain. You will only need 1 1/2 cups. Add these to a high speed blender. Pulsate adding a drizzle of olive oil and the 1/4 cup of sugar free maple syrup. Blend until smooth and no lumps remain. Then add in all the other ingredients (except the salt) and pulsate until well incorporated. Maybe 1-2 minutes Stir as necessary while blender is off. Then re-pulsate. Pour into a bowl. Lastly, add in the ground sea salt and *Pink Himalayan salt.

Next, add in a handful of semi sweet mini chocolate chips. They always sink to the bottom of the cookies, so chop some dark chocolate and add that to the top of each cookie as well. These have a lot of chocolate!

Place in the oven for 12 minutes. Then, turn the tray so that the cookies in the back are now in the front. If you have a convection fan turn that on as well. Continue to bake another 8 minutes or until slightly brown and still a soft. You may turn oven up to 375 to nudge the baking along. Cool on a rack, and enjoy! These are sooooooooo good that every time I make them I want them for breakfast as they are technically healthy with the chick peas and I mean they also have maple syrup in them, so it’s a fair point. LOL.

*Pink Himalayan salt is a type of rock salt from the Punjab region of Pakistan, near the foothills of the Himalayas.

NOTE: some chocolate is contaminated with tree nuts, so read the label AND always call the manufacturer to be 100% there is no cross contamination.