Brussels Spouts

Don’t sideline the sides, make them a meal priority. One of my family favorites is roasted Brussel Sprouts. EVERYONE in the family eats them!!! The oven has to be on high at 425 degrees. I have tried to buy fresh brussel sprouts (even organic) and wash, clean, and cut these, but I have not had great success with the quality I find locally, and the washing and pre-boiling is very time consuming. I tend to buy frozen brussel sprouts. I will microwave them according to the package, and slice each one in half and put them on a cookie sheet lined with tin foil. I add a good amount of extra virgin olive oil and a hint of sea salt and cook on high for about 15 minutes until golden brown and a little crispy. Then, I add more salt and serve. YUM!


FIngerling potatoesAnother delicious and nutritious side is potatoes. These are fingerling potatoes which I wash and scrub with a vegetable scrubber, and then boil until a fork pierces them easily. Then, I put them on a baking sheet lined with tin foil and drizzle them with extra virgin olive oil and a dash of salt and Italian seasonings. I put the oven on a high temperature about 425 degrees and bake until golden brown and crispy about 20 minutes maybe longer. Then, I add more salt when they came out! They are crispy and spicy on the outside, and soft and tender on the inside.

Sweet Potatoes

These sweet potatoes were made extra sweet with a drizzling of brown sugar sauce (no butter required). I wash and scrub with a vegetable scrubber about four large sweet potatoes. Then, piece them with a fork on all sides. I microwave them for about 10 minutes or so or until the fork pierces thru them easily. Then, I put them onto a cutting board and slice each one into 1/4 or 1/8 depending upon their size. I added them to a large cookie sheet with olive oil. I mixed about a tablespoon of light brown sugar with water and drizzled onto the sweet potatoes. I then added olive oil and seasoned well with an Italian seasoning blend and sea salt, of course! I love salt! I bake in a 425 degree oven for about 20 minutes maybe longer or until they are tender.  These are melt in your mouth goodness!  I did not add any butter, so they are very healthy and filled with vitamins.