pinapple upside down cake 2
A baker somewhere during the 1920s created the upside down cake not necessarily by mistake, but somehow the upside down cake became a delicious sensation. You see back then you had to bake using a cast iron skillet, so fruit would go on the bottom and the cake batter on top and then you would put the skillet over the fire. How genius when you think about it. Why wait to bite into the sweet fruit last?

And what can we learn about our lives from this silly discovery? That sometimes when we see things from different perspective, in this case, upside down, our lives can be changed. If we continue to look at something in the same way every time we see it, we are not challenging ourselves. Therefore, the upside down cake reminds us that when we see things from a different perspective or perhaps change our perspective, we will then change our lives. This also teaches us that mistakes can be a good thing, and in this case a delicious one. Here is my recipe for Pear Upside Down Cake. It is truly YUMMY!