banana cakeGrowing up banana bread was a family favorite. My mom was not a baker, but always made it. Unfortunately, I don’t have a family recipe to use.  That is why I always urge all my friends to write down your families’ recipes so that they do not become lost and forgotten. That is one main reason I decided to start my blog, and also because I am passionate about cooking. Bringing everyone back to the kitchen table in this technological world we live in is so important.

I happened to have some over ripened bananas and didn’t want to throw them away, (mom used to say waste not want not and I could not agree more!!!) so I got to work on a Banana Cake Recipe. Somewhere along the way I lost my loaf pan, so I had to bake it in a cake pan, hence the name Banana Cake.

When we make shakes in the morning to power-up after a long workout, we typically combine ginger, a natural anti-inflammatory, along with bananas, and ginger and cinnamon go well together.  I thought this is a great flavor combination for this cake:  ginger, cinnamon and banana. It’s a winning combination!  The crumbled topping that caramelizes when you bake it was just the right added touch. If you want to add a bit more decadence to this cake, butter the bottom of the pan and then put light brown sugar, smoothed out with the back of a spoon. It will caramelize and melt in your mouth!

These are mini banana cakes I made without the raisins and no egg. I also used a nonstick pan. I really think the silver pan is the way to go with this recipe! If you have to omit the egg, the recipe will still work! (My son is allergic to egg, so these I made especially for him! He devoured them!) This recipe can be found in my cookbook, coming soon….

banana cakes

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