Preperation time
5 m
Skills level

Serving size

Country of origin

Preparation time: 5 m
Cooking time: 5 m


  • 1/4 stick butter or margarine
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh dill
  • 1/2 teaspoon chopped garlic (I like the store bought for this recipe)
  • dash of sea salt
Recipe Type:

Prepare the corn on the cob as you normally would. I prefer to boil it. I bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil, then toss in the corn. Let it cook for about 4 minutes. Pour it into a colander. Then, try this herbed butter on the corn. Here are the directions.

Use about 1/4 stick of butter, add to that some minced garlic (I like store-bought for this recipe), chopped dill, and sea salt. Mix in a small bowl and keep chilled until ready to use. While the corn is still hot, spread the butter on the corn, and then add some more sea salt to taste. This should be enough for 6-8 ears of corn. This is outstandingly delish!