
White Bean, Red Onion & Arugula Pizza

My teenage daughter decided she is going to try to become a Vegan for various reasons, so I took her to our local Whole Foods and followed her around and let her pick out what she needs and wants. These days she has been eating chia seeds and making chia seed pudding with a little agave nectar. She eats lots of hummus which she makes by following my…


Heart Shaped Donuts

As a child my family and I would spend most weekends at the beach house. Here’s a picture of my mom with me and my siblings. I am the littlest one sitting with mom. I have fond memories of my dad getting donuts on Sunday mornings as a treat.  My favorite kind of donut was the Boston Cream donut with powdered sugar. I can almost taste it! The…


Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Check out my recipe for Chocolate covered pretzels and try instead to dip fresh strawberries in chocolate and let them set in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Then to make more perfect looking lines try using a pastry bag with a fine tip.  I like the color combination of the milk  and white chocolate. These were made my 16 year old, my creative genius! Easy, delicious…


It’s party time!

Try my Party Sugar Cookie at your next party celebration! Start with multicolored jimmies.                                       When your dough forms together it will look like this.  Two cookies in a row on parchment paper.                    Let them cool for five minutes.                                          And that’s the way the cookie crumbles! YUMMY!